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Solidtime Self-Hosting Quick Start

Posted by author in the category "Laravel"

Solidtime is a GPLv3 open source time-tracking tool written with Laravel. Here's what's needed to quickly get the basic self-hosting examples working.

Modify laravel.env before launching the Docker containers.

  • (Optional) Change the mail driver to log so we can get the account activation email link without needing an SMTP provider.
  • Add your email to SUPER_ADMINS.

Execute these commands after launching the Docker containers.

  1. Run migrations:
    • docker exec <app-container> php artisan migrate --force
  2. Generate keys:
    • docker exec <scheduler-container> php artisan self-host:generate-keys
  3. Launch Containers
    • docker compose up -d
  4. Monitor application logs to find the account activation link after the next step.
    • docker compose logs -f
  5. Create an account using your email at /register.
  6. Click the activation link in the container logs.
End of article